Peru Part VI: Lima

So we finally make it to our last leg of the Peru trip, and my last blog post about Peru: Lima! 

Before taking our trip to Peru, I read a lot of posts about how you should skip Lima and spend as much time as possible in other parts of the country. Don't listen to these people. Yes, the rest of the country is beautiful and it's weird going from peaceful countryside or rainforest to a city jam packed with cars and Popeyes restaurants (who knew Peruvians loved cajun fried chicken?). However, the city is vibrant, and beautiful, and any place Anthony Bourdain likes you should go.

Lucky enough, some old friends of mine from high school are now living in Lima. It was so fun to be reunited with Rachel and Diego, and Diego's amazingly kind dad offered to drive us around the city and give us a personal tour of everything. 

Because we experienced so much in Lima, I thought I'd condense what I learned and enjoyed about the city into bullets:

  • Traffic in Lima is the craziest traffic I've ever seen. Like no road rules, bumper to bumper, side to side, constant honking, fast driving kind of traffic. On top of that there are people walking through the teeny gaps between cars selling you waters or candy or doing flips. Somehow, we never saw an accident!
  • The Plaza de Armas in Lima is absolutely stunning. It houses the Government Palace, which is guarded at all times of the day, similar to Buckingham. Unlike Buckingham, the guards will smile with you and take a picture.
  •  The entire time we were in Peru, we were commenting on how we saw so many stray dogs everywhere, but no cats. Where were all the cats? Parque Kennedy in Lima, a small park in front of church where all the cats come to eat and lounge in the sunny grass. A must-see for any cat lover.
  • Seeing Huaca Pucllana was also amazing. Ruins older than Machu Picchu in the center of a city. Pretty cool!
  • Museo Larco has the most beautiful gardens and an amazing restaurant inside.
  • If you do end up at Museo Larco, seeing the erotic Inca exhibit is a must. Those Incas were wild.
  • The westernmost part in South America is in Peru. It has some spectacular views!
  • Ceviche is amazing.

Can't wait to visit you again Peru! If you'd like to read more about my trip, here are my other posts:

Peru Part I: Cusco and Pisac

Peru Part II: Urubamba

Peru Part III: Machu Picchu

Peru Part IV: Las Salineras and Moray

Peru Part V: Cusco