One Year In Charlotte

It’s officially been one year since Eric and I moved back to Charlotte!

I can’t believe it, not sure where the time has gone. Eric says “it seems like it’s been much longer”, haha. Also, I seriously need to update my homepage.

I’m not going to lie, I really wasn’t all that jazzed on moving here the first few months. Yes, we are both from Charlotte (rare unicorns, I know). Yes, our families both still live here (which has been awesome). But coming back to Charlotte as an adult was an entirely new and sometimes hard experience.

Durham had been a city that was “ours”, a place that we had officially made our own away from school and family. It really sucked leaving that place. Our amazing friend group, working with my team in an office everyday, the restaurants, my running group, and the people – who were all so intellectual and creative and inspiring.

Charlotte also dumped a ton of changes onto us when we moved here: wedding planning, a career change, lots of family stuff - good and bad, a new house, a semi-evil puppy, and the first time we ever lived in a 500sqft apartment together (NEVER AGAIN).

The more we got settled in though, the more I grew to love my hometown again. Charlotte has changed so much since I was a kid, and it continues to change at a rapid pace. Despite being a big city, there’s so much room here to start new, cool things and make a name for yourself - which I find exciting. Not only that, but the people who live here WANT to start/join new, cool things here, and have a genuine love for molding this city into something awesome. It’s an exciting place to be!

I’m still going up to Chapel Hill/Durham about once a month. But lately, it’s become a fun trip to visit coworkers and friends rather than the place I saw myself staying indefinitely a year ago.

A year later, I’ve got a great group of new (and old) friends, my new meetups and clubs, my kick-ass neighborhood. Charlotte’s got my new home filled with my garden, my husband, my dogs and chicks, and I can’t think of living anywhere else right now. Here’s to year #2 in the queen city!