Since we hosted a Super Bowl party on Sunday and I'm saving Friday's events for another post, this is actually just a Saturday recap. Thankfully, it was an eventful and photo-worthy Saturday!

1. After a grueling 8 a.m. time trial in 20 degree weather with my running group (I'll get to that in another post...), I came home for another roommate breakfast complete with heart-shaped pancakes.

2. That night, we all went to see our friend Julia Liu's art show "A Stranger in a Strange Land" at Duke. Aside from a quick trip to vote and our trip to the Duke Gardens, this was my first time actually being on Duke's campus. As much as I wanted to hate the place, I have to admit I'm a little envious of the private school life. Gothic Cathedrals, gourmet snack carts, Au Bon Pain, and an Armadillo Grill with bar all on campus? What is going on there??

3-4. Annie, Nathan, and I being art snobs and enjoying our Perrier.

5-6. Two of my favorite pieces. All of her drawings were bright, colorful, and have the sketchy-line drawing style I love. I wish I could've purchased several. Seriously, if you find yourself near the Bryan Center on Duke's campus this week you have to go see the exhibit!

7. A group shot with the artist herself (minus Eric and I).