1. Due to freezing temperatures and an ice storm, our weekend mostly looked like this: a whole lotta computer time and homemade chai lattes.

2. On Sunday we all ventured out to the food truck rodeo in Durham Central Park. Not sure we enjoyed the experience (too cold, too crowded to enjoy the food, and far too many dogs for Bella's liking), but I loved the Paws4Ever truck Bella and Eric and posing in front of! The truck served dog treats and all proceeds went to their shelter. I can't wait till it warms up and we can get Bella some of their dog ice cream :)

3. I love her lightning bolt sweater.

4. Bella loved her Paws4Ever cookies.

5. Eric chowing down on a free-range pork sandwich

6.  Oh the things you see in Durham!

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!