Hope you've all been enjoying the three-day weekend! Here's our weekend crammed into one post:

1. I am completely into this crazy, multi-colored nail polish trend.

2. Hard to believe, but Eric and I attended our first game in the Time Warner Arena this saturday!

3. Sporting our matching Alonzo Mourning jerseys. We attended Swarm Time Warner, where a large group of Hornets fans took over a top section of the arena to push forthe Hornet's name back in Charlotte. I don't think I've ever had so much fun at a basketball game!

4, 5 & 6. A visit to Charlotte would not be complete without some time spent hanging out at Common Market with Zach and Dayan.

7. A cute gift from Eric's mom

8. On our hike through the Palisade's trials.

9. Bella enjoyed jumping over and through the creek on the trails a little too much.

10 & 11. Eric and Bella resting on the Palisade's golf course. Yes, I know we take too many photos of her :)

12. I could not pass up this wheat grass and perfect lighting during our walk.

I also took TONS of photos of my mom's rabbits and other pets this weekend for her Craigslist ads and future website. There were so many for me to choose from though, they will have to get their own post later this week!

January Nails

First game in the Time Warner Arena!

Sporting our matching Alonzo Mourning Jerseys!

Eric drinking hard cider at Common Market Southend

Zach and Dayan at Common Market Southend

Dayan chatting with Ashley about her new Ikea fox stuffed animal at Common Market Southend

Eric and Bella hiking on the Palisade's trails in Charlotte

Bella hiking over rocks in the creek on the Palisade's trails in Charlotte

Eric and Bella resting on our hike on the Palisade's trails in Charlotte

Bella playing on the Palisade's Golf Course

Ashley and Bella resting on our hike on the Palisade's trails in Charlotte