Triangle Teen Tech Camp

Sorry for the brief hiatus, it's been a busy, but exciting couple of days over here.

On Monday, I teamed up with some local designers and developers for the first "Triangle Teen Tech Camp". We spent the day giving presentations on everything from setting up a Tumblr to creating a game with Javascript to a group of 12-17 year olds. It was both awesome and surprising to see a group of 30 teenagers so eager to learn on their day off from school. Plus, one of my younger sisters came up to attend the classes, so it was great to get to spend the day with her! 

I helped out with a session on setting up a WordPress blog and another on the basics of web design (sadly the photo above is the only one I could find from my session). It was definitely a challenge to keep up with the attention span of 13-year-olds, but I was amazed at how quickly they picked everything up. And after watching them all hack through some javascript during the game session, let's just say I'll definitely be worried about my job security once they are out of school!

It was a jam-packed, but fun day with a great group of kids and volunteers. I'll be looking forward for the next one!

Now for the second event I am really excited about. Tonight I went to the first RDU Girl Develop It meetup, an organization that helps women learn to program. Women developers are few and far between, so it was great to meet a group of women with a wide variety of programming skills all in one place!

If you'd be interested in getting involved with either of these groups in the future, let me know!