As you can see by the title, this post is WAY overdue. My friend Amanda posted her photos from our trip last week, and I realized I should pull mine out of the ol' archive before next summer rolls around.

Since my friend Amanda and her husband moved to Richmond, it's become a bit of a tradition for a few of us to make the trip up to visit her at the beginning of summer. For a group of people who only see each other once a year, I don't think there's a group of friends I could get along with better or have as much fun with over a weekend. Typically, we hang out around the apartment eating, drinking wine, laughing, and binge watching Bob's Burger's, but this year we decided to venture out and explore Richmond.

We spent our time shopping in Carytown, eating the most amazing four course meal at Lemon Indian restaurant, cooking up an awesome front-porch picnic, and seeing a few of the nicest (and worst haha) bars in the area. On our final day, we took a friend's suggestions for some of the "best views of Richmond", and they did not disappoint. We ate lunch in an unsuspecting park that ended up overlooking the entire skyline, walked down the pipeline which goes over the James River (and is also a heron reserve–I have never seen so many of these birds in my life!), and of course drove through the old tobacco districts where the Lucky Strike complex reminded me so much of home.

I can't wait till next year's trip to Richmond!

The photo above is not actually from Richmond, but has it's own good story. While exploring Carytown, I forced everyone into an estate sale where I found this awesome deer head for only $100! We unfortunately had to carry him back five blocks to my friends house, but thankfully my friends helped out (aren't these people awesome?!). This was a photo I snapped of Bella meeting my new found deer friend for the first time.