I feel terrible that my last three posts are now Listed/Weekend recap posts. It's been busy, but I promise to have more up this week!

Til then, here are a few of my favorite things around the web:

1 & 2. I'm in love with these vintage-esque school charts, if only they weren't so expensive! I also can't help but love the cleanly-designed site they're sold on.

3. I just ordered these cute winter animal temporary tattoos!

4. I love the illustration/animation at the top of this portfolio site. I definitely want to do something similar on my own!

5. As you can tell I'm a bit obsessed with woodland creatures, so it is hard for me to not purchase any of the necklaces on this site immediately. I'm regretting making that "save more.." goal for the year.

6. I spent a few hours yesterday taking pictures of my mom's rabbits for her Craigslist ads and a future website (post on that coming soon). I'm a little sad, I didn't think to do anything quite this cute. I may need to go back tomorrow to take a few more pictures!