Coop Dreaming

If you follow me on any form of social media, you know I'm obsessed with my pet chickens (or @MorganChicks as they're better known). The obsession runs deep and has turned more into stress. Do they have enough room in their coop? Are they happy chickens??

The stress results in me moving them around the yard in a tractor all day, or sitting outside for a few hours with them suffering through my allergies. They can't be completely free range because they'll either 1) Get eaten by the hawk that circles our yard, or 2) get eaten by Miley. The solution? They needed a new coop!

I bought this coop for Morgan Chicks 1.0 last year, and while it's adorable, it just doesn't meet all their needs (not a big enough run, hard to clean out, not fancy enough for them). I paid to have a friend design a plantation style coop for me (yes, it needed to match the southern neighborhood!). But as it turns out, no one is eager to build a really difficult/fancy coop for you on a budget. Instead, we've ended up building a large wire enclosure around their existing coop, which gives them TONS of space and is pretty cute too. I'll post pics soon.

Till then, here's a few of the coops I've been dreaming about:

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