As you know I've started training for a half marathon this November. Only problem is I still can't decide on a race to run! For now I've been torn between running the City of Oaks in Raleigh (where I plan to go cheer on friends anyways), the Richmond Half, Thunder Road in Charlotte, or something else entirely.

Since I can't decide I thought I'd open it up to the internet. Here's my general thought process for choosing a race:

A large number or racers

Nothing's worse than ending up in a stretch of race alone with no cheerleaders or other runners around you. I generally like to take part in a race with at least 1,000 runners.


I get bored really easily while running, so it's nice to have something along the roads to look at during those hard miles.

Geared toward all levels

I only started running a year and a half ago, so I'm looking for something that's geared toward beginners as well as more advanced runners. I'd be a long 13 miles if I knew I was at the back of the pack the entire time!

Relatively easy course

Since I still consider myself a running noob, I'd prefer a relatively easy course that lets me focus on my pacing and something I can still consider fun. I'm not yet ready for something like a race in the mountains!

So, should I brave the tough hills of Raleigh and run the City of Oaks with friends? Do I run the Richmond Half that has great reviews for being runner-friendly, but I'd have to travel for it? Or do I stay home and run the course I've been training on and have my family and friends be able to watch? I need some advice!