I'm both excited and a bit teary to announce that Eric, Bella and I will be moving to Charlotte in two weeks! 

Over the last couple years Eric has been commuting back and forth to his job with his dad's company that's based in Charlotte, It's come time for him to be around the office a bit more, so we decided last December that we would make the move back to our hometown. It's certainly going to be a big change leaving our home in the Triangle for the last 7+ years, but I'm ready for the change. Thankfully, I'll be keeping my job at NMC and just working remotely – meaning I'll get to keep doing the same awesome work and will be making trips back here often to go into the office and visit coworkers and friends. 

This weekend we got the apartment mostly packed up, and Bella is on her way to Charlotte to stay with our parents for the next two weeks until we move down. It's finally setting in that this is happening – wish us luck!