Summer has been off to such a busy start, so busy that I just realized my blog is looking pitiful! Here's my attempt at bringing you all up to speed:

  • Eric and I headed to Asheville for the first time (as adults) for our good friend's wedding in May. It was a blast getting to celebrate their bachelor/bachelorette, rehearsal, and amazing wedding ceremony with them!
  • I have had major travel fever lately, so I've been busy planning and booking as many trips as possible. So far I'll be heading to Richmond, back to Asheville, Los Angeles and possibly Las Vegas later this summer. I can't wait!
  • I've been working on the design of a pretty cool app for NMC. This is the first app I've really been working on from the beginning alongside the programmers, and the first time I've really had to put thought into the UI along with aesthetics. It's been super exciting seeing the app evolve every week into something usable and good-looking!
  • It's a goal of mine to try and visit as many new places in Durham as I can this summer, and it's going pretty well! So far we've visited Satisfaction, The Parlour, Monuts Donuts, Alley 26, and Whiskey.
  • I made an attempt to start eating vegan earlier this summer with the exception of local, organic dairy and eggs. It only lasted about a week haha. I have successfully cut out fast food however, and I'd say about 85% of the places I try to eat out now at serve local dairy and eggs!
  • After the reports on Bangladesh, I also made a pledge to start only buying products made in the U.S. or are certified fair trade with a few exceptions (medicines, or things that directly impact my work like tech and art supplies, etc.). I've successfully made it through one month! However, that also means that I just haven't really gone shopping for anything yet...
  • Post 5-week hiatus, I am back on my running game! I'm planning on running a 6K at the end of July!
  • My parents and one of my little sisters swung by Durham on their way back to Charlotte last Sunday. They brought me some of the coolest succulents and air plants (one of which is pictured above). Now my house is filled with cacti, houseplants, and several terrariums, but also a hoard of gnats. Anyone know how to get rid of those things??