For Eric's birthday this year I surprised him with a trip out to California! I was born there, and that's most of my extended family lives, but I have yet to do much of the typical sightseeing/touristy things, so I figured this will be the perfect time to explore the state. We will be staying near Los Angeles, taking in the beaches and Hollywood, then heading up to San Francisco (with a quick detour in Las Vegas for a few days!). I'm super excited to travel, and very excited to show Eric where I grew up!

The day before his birthday I realized I wouldn't have anything to actually give to him, and I wanted to. Because I am a crazy person, I decided to stay up late and quicky put together some typographic postcards for each of the places we'd be visiting and write little notes on the back of each one. I consider myself to be pretty terrible with typography, so this was a fun practice exercise for me, and has me itching to create more or try some hand lettering. Above are a few of my favorite postcards, and thankfully Eric loved all of them!