Before heading out to DC


Sprinkles cupcakes


Lincoln Memorial

The White House

Autumn tree

The National Mall overlooking the Washington Monument

The National Mall overlooking the Washington Monument

The Air and Space museum

The Air and Space museum

The Air and Space Museum

 A few weeks ago, Eric and I decided to take a spontaneous trip to Asheville, NC. I hadn't been since I was little and we've heard great things about downtown Asheville. Plus it seemed like the perfect place to enjoy the autumn leaves!

Little did we know, October is the most expensive time to visit Asheville, so for about half the price we opted to take a trip to D.C. instead. On the way up, I found out Eric had never even been to D.C. so it turned out to be a great decision!

On our first night, we ventured out to 2amy's, which if you ever visit D.C. you MUST eat. We split an Italian-government-approved pizza and some of the best appetizers and limoncello I've ever had. We then picked up some Sprinkles cupcakes and strolled around Georgetown.

The next day was spent sightseeing. After seeing all the monuments we stopped for lunch at Old Ebbit's Grill. When we heard the wait to eat would be over an hour, we opted to eat at the bar. Luckily the bar was full of locals, we met an awesome bartender, and we found bottles of Woodchuck Crisp cider! You'll soon learn Eric and I have an obsession with hard cider (especially one's that aren't sold in N.C.)...

Our favorite site that day had to be the Air and Space museum. Look at all those planes hanging from the ceiling! Eric made sure we visited every exhibit and read every blub. Afterwards we met up with one of my coworkers to watch the Carolina-Duke game at our first "Carolina bar" in a city outside of Chapel Hill.

We miss you already D.C.!