7.1! That's how many miles I ran this morning. I'm not typically one to brag about my exercise habits (mostly because I don't usually have any), but this was the farthest I've ever run, and I ran it at my best time to boot!

Remember these resolutions I made at the beginning of the year? Some of them have not been going so well, but running is one goal I have not let slip out of focus. With that said, I thought I'd give everyone a little update on how it's going!

Back in January I bought the fabulous new shoes you see above. They are the most expensive shoes I've ever purchased, and that alone was motivation to get me to use them. After talking with the salesman at Fleet Feet about my plans to run the 10-miler, he suggested I sign up for their 10-miler training group.

I have to admit I was skeptical about it at first. The group costed more than my new running shoes, and met at 8 a.m. on Saturdays, which if you know anything about my sleeping habits, you know that is not a time I am normally awake. But after a little encouragement from Eric's mom, I signed up, and it has been one of the best decisions I've ever made!

Now I have just finished up my eighth week of the training group, and it has paid for itself. I've met some great people, pushed myself farther than I would on my own, and Fleet Feet has organized a lot of great socials, free breakfasts, and clinics for us. Plus I am now rocking out on all those infamous hills around Chapel Hill! If you are thinking about training for a race, I highly recommend joining a training group. I definitely would not be running at the pace I am now, and probably wouldn't feel ready to run the 10 mile race in April without one!

See you next month Tar Heel 10-Miler!