On Sunday I turned 27! Not sure if it's because I'm still in my twenties, but for now, I love getting older. Each birthday is such an affirmation of the friendships I have and all the good things that happened the year before. 

Rather than throw a party this year, Eric and I decided to do a few activities around Charlotte that we've been dying to try, but never seem to do on the average weekend. On Saturday we headed up to Davidson, NC to eat at Kindred - a restaurant I kept hearing amazing reviews for. Despite driving past it a million times over the years, I'd never been to Davidson. It was the cutest little town! Reminded me of a miniature Chapel Hill, and I can't wait to drive back on a warm spring or summer day. As for Kindred - it was everything I could have hoped for! I highly recommend the gnocchi, potato salad, and one of their gin cocktails. We will be back!

That night a group of us went to Codescape, which is an escape room that opened up recently in our neighborhood. If you've never heard of an escape room, it's a themed room you are locked in for an hour and have to solve a series puzzles to get out. Ours was an India Jones-y themed room and was such a blast! I recommend getting a group together large enough that you can pack out the entire room and just have friends to solve it with.

Sunday was spent enjoying the gorgeous weather, taking friends to our favorite bakery, rock climbing at the new Inner Peaks (I'd been the week before for Eric's birthday and got a free pass for mine!), and stuffing my face with pasta at dinner with my family. Couldn't have rung my birthday in any better way. Bring it on 27!