2/5 | Monday Diaries

Happy Monday! Sorry for the delay on this post, Super Bowl kept me up late! Our neighbors are huge Eagles fans, so it was super fun to watch with them and experience the win. I also read somewhere that Americans consume about 2,400 calories during the Super Bowl. Pretty sure I accomplished that thanks to many, many Publix cookies and cupcakes.

1. One seat just opened up in my Illustrator Basics class this Thursday! I'm probably only going to teach this class one more time before maternity leave, so jump on it. 

2. Pretty sure my baby has never needed a piece of clothing more. That price tag though :(

3. I am looking at getting more into plant photography and asking for a macro lens for my birthday (likely this one). Any Sony Alpha users out there have another lens they'd recommend? By the way, remember how I'd said I wanted to start using my Skillshare membership? I actually finished a class! I think I'm a bit too advanced for this class on Dark Botanical Photography, but definitely recommend it if you are just getting into photography. 

4. We went to Top Golf for the first time this weekend for my father-in-law's birthday. I'd never swung a golf club before (aside from mini golf), but we had a blast. Highly recommend checking it out if you're in Charlotte!

5. Speaking of new places in Charlotte, we also tried out Bulgogi Box - a new Korean restaurant in Southend. It was surprisingly good and I've been snacking on leftovers and craving more ever since! Eric and I recommend the tofu and beef bowls. 

6.  This week in pregnancy I have my glucose test and our hospital tour! Anyone have any tips/questions I should ask on the tour?